Wednesday 21 October 2015


When you start a blog, and you want to earn money, the first thing to do is to choose the right topic.

First of all, you need to focus the topic to a subject that you know well, but r
emember: you have to have a strategy.

If you’re blogging for fun and don’t care about making money online, you can write about anything, and you can stop to read this post.

If you do want to make money, you’ll need to find a profitable niche and choose a topic that is broad yet also specific.

One of the first things you want to think about is your niche and whether it is profitable. 

There are two possible strategy: being a big fish in a small pond, or the exact opposite, the small fish in the big pond. I think the right is to choose the big pond because that is where the money is.

In order to check if your idea is a "big pond" idea, you can search the keyword(s) in Google and compare the number of results with other different keyword(s). In other words, for example, you can compare "earn money" to "paper flowers" (remember to use double quotes). Evaluating the number of results you can found the argument more popular. In this example, if you want to be the big fish in a small pond, and you are expert of paper flowers, you choose the second topic,... 
But if you want to be another small fish in the big pond, you must choose the first topic.

Another approach to find that niche is to look at keywords that advertisers pay the most for, using tools like Google Adsense to see average prices per click or SpyFu, a paid search engine marketing tool.

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